tammy VS life
my endless life story :)

Monday, March 7, 2011
The DAY~♥♥♥
The worst part is that nothing I can do to make me not bored. :(
Today watch 2 korean dramas which I'm totally addicted to^^ "Love you a thousand times" & "two wives" ~
I wonder why most of the korean dramas are love stories? ;) wondering..
Last Saturday (5/3/2011), me and bobo went out :D with kien ee (my grandpa, just in case you duno)
It's kinda fun having him hanging around.no offense but next time if we're celebrating our aniversary or anything, DON'T invite any friends better >.<>
I feel bad for bobo and kien ee, because bobo is my hubby, I need spend more 2 people time with him & kien ee, another case, is my friend, not a lightbulb / spotlight.
We watch "127 hours". It's a "pleasant" and "nice" movies, which in actual gross me out.
I know my ambition is becoming a doctor, but this movie gives me the creeps. When the main male cast (there's two male cast in this movie) was stuck in the canyon with his hand being stuck by a fallen piece of rock from outer space, he's force to cut his right hand off. This is not the part which creeps me out. It's the cutting the nerve part. The audience could actually hear and feel the thoughts of the character, simply unacceptable! But overall, the movie was okay.
I hate the part when the lights turn on, and looking to the right was thim seng, the party-spoiler.diuzzzzz! The feeling of seeing him is so urgghhh! Like seeing ederette! @#$@!!#
We went and eat, TWICE. Wong Kwok & Pizza Hut :D
Pizza Hut experience was the best ♥ :D We mostly play and joke at there.
Celebrating Angie's birthday..or was not? Bobo bought her a mm mascara lash expender & me bought her a mm honey lipgloss. RM41.90 + RM 17.90 = RM59.80 I REALLLY HOPE SHE APPRECIATE IT
I've no mood to tell about her now.
Skip to the other part.
SPM is coming...I'm soooo nervous!! I scare I will get 2As! Please don't!!! :'(
Okay, skip to the other part!!!!!
Nowadays, I feel really settle down with bobo :)
I don't feel shaky anymore in our relationship.
The first time I accpet bobo, I feel shaky for our relationship. I scare if he knows my "true colours" (hehehe ;D), he won't love me or accpet me as his mate anymore :( But now, he proves to me that he really loves me and accept me for who I am and what I am now^^
Bobo is the kind of guy I would like to get marry and spend my life with.
To be honest, when I'm dating C.S, I don't feel any stable / settling down in our relationship. We use to fight ALL the time after dating a year. Before that, I think and feel that he was just being patient and tolerate with me, he doesn't even accept me.
I don't mine he's poor, but as long he loves me & have a gold ♥ I would love him more. But compare to Bobo now, I can see he's not suitable for me :) Letting go is a wise choice & decision.
I hope that one DAY, me and bobo can go on a real vacation together ^^ hopefully genting, where we get to spend a FULL/WHOLE day together~♥♥♥♥♥
We made plans for our future already although it's too early =u=" haha..
Each have stable financial and jobs, have car, house~ 28 year old get married & 29 year old have children. Honeymoon in Hongkong disneyland and taiwan :D ^^ woohoo~~~
Haha..I think I watch too much that kind of baby / pregnant movie until it distorted my mind.
Don't want watch le..later early sxx and pregnancy @@" huhu..
Don't want become mummy so early>
We got bright future ahead of us! ♥
I just want to know how's like to actually be pregnant xD hahars..curious man!
BUT NOOOO!! Cannot! >:0
Don't think le!!!!!!!!!!!
Bobo, love you ya! :)
Honestly Darling, You're Truly mine :) ♥
Honestly, are you in love right now?
Honestly, what color is your underwear?
erm...white ><
Honestly, what's on your mind right now?
Honestly, what are you doing right now?
Honestly, what did you do today?
At home watching tv & helping my mom to cook
Honestly, do you think you are attractive?
haha..no, but you make me feel like I'm really actractive^^ love ya! ♥
Honestly, have you done something bad today?
Honestly, do you watch Disney channel?
Of course i do! But it's cut :'(
Honestly, are you jealous of someone right now?
Yes == the couples in korean drama ;)
Honestly, what makes you happy most of the time?
Talking with you on da hp ^u^
Honestly, do you bite your nails?
Yup, when I'm nervous
Honestly, what is your mood right now?
Honestly, who do you want to see at this very moment?
YOU! yes, you ♥ the one who's reading this crap! :D haha
Honestly, do you have a deep dark secret?
Yes, i do.
Honestly, do you hate someone right now?
Honestly, who/what do you want to hug right now?
Honestly, do your wrists hurt?
No, but my neck does sometimes when I sat toooo long
Honestly, are you in denial?
Honestly, wouldn't you rather be having sex right now?
Hahahaha..next question!
Honestly, is it easier to talk on Myspace than in person?
Honestly, does anyone like you?
i don't know????
Thursday, March 3, 2011
There's much more sadness in life
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Spa Body Whitening. SPF30 / PA++
Use continuously for 28 days for natural whitening and softening of body.
Massage on body till absorbed. Apply more for darker areas.
Fragrance: Chanel only (Purple color)
Monday, January 3, 2011
Finally! + ItsamestevenT
Story about teenage social problems these days, such as lesbians, gays, good grades, relationship between teacher and student, underage sex, unwanted pregnancy, bullies, money problems, complicated relationship problems and so on. The list will never ended.
20 episodes.
* I have no copyrights of this video. Keep in mind of that.
Gloomy Salad Days
I found this really amazing guy few years back. =D
He seriously is truly amazing!
You will truly love him, seriously, even if you are a guy. He is just so hilarious. :D I am not even kidding or bluffing.
I will linked him down below.
Go search for some of his "famous" videos more towards comedy. ^^ They are the bomb! I will list some of the funny videos below that you MUST watch.
1. Nasty Girls
2. How to Have a Successful Relationship
3. Chubby Bunny
4. My Evolution of Asians
6. How To Tell If You Are A Stalker (This is the best video of his ever, sadly, Youtube disable the video sound because This video contains an audio track that has not been authorized by WMG. The audio has been disabled.) >:-(