Stupid phone! Like want die, want live like that =( It is time to ask my daddy buy for me a blackberry :D {my dream phone} yeepeee~
My room
Like being hit by tsunami. Super messy and unorganised. A pile of junk. Very squeezy, no room for my thoughts.
After (cleaning):
Of course, clean and sparkling. Smells good. Not so messy, organisd. Not so much junk. Spacey. Like the scene after tsunami.
Although my room is neat now, but the living room and the study room is still urghhh!!
Tonight cannot go count down with Anggie and friends T_T I wanna go badly!!!! Haiz! Nevermind! Aiming next year~2011~
Shit. The pink patch on my calf haven't gone. Still praying. Gosh!
YongL is now at his father's cousin (male) wedding dinner with his dear mother. lol. Why everytime must he do everything with his mother. No power or strength to reject also. Leave me here alone writting this blog. Baka.
=D hehe..actually he got msg me but I refuse to reply. Who want bug him when I got my beloved computer with internet now? :D
......When darkness turns to light, it ends tonight...... I am listening to The All American Rejects latest hit, "It ends tonight". I fell in love with their band and the singer's attractive voice. When he sings, the sound waves splash into my ear drums like soothing tone.
Oh, almost forgot to keep my grandmother's clothes from her bathroom since she is at one of my aunt / uncle's house. I love it when my grandma comb my hair ^^
I really lazy want to write the diary YongL gave me~ haha..million apologizes since he specially spend $$$ to buy for me. Sumimasen. Read from here. I find that I can type faster than writing using a pen. I find more usable to use what god give me than a tool create by human beings. ;D
Avril Lavigne!!! Where are you?? What are you doing these days?? I didn't even hear at least one of your latest song. Where's the new album you promised?? You know I am a huge fan of yours =( Please let me know, no, let all your fans know that you are still very much alive to sing! =D I support you Avril!
March...March....SPM results are coming out...I should better dig a hole and hide in it ><>
My cartoons channel all had been cut. My spongebob T.T sob sob. Nevermind. At least I still have "House" with me. :D
My aunt wedding dinner is so amazing. I can't even find a suitable word to comment!
The night was incandescently beautiful.
The golden lemon light shimmer through the huge crystals.
Red carpets on the floor just like in Hollywood. I step and walk on it.
Does that mean I am famous? :D haha. The food were delicious.
Their services were excellent. If you ask me to give a rating out of 10, I would give a 20. Seriously! Their service were better than other 5 stars restaurant. =)
I am so flattered by the music "band". They play tunes while the guests were busy enjoying dinner and chatting. We were the last table which the new couple give their cheers.
In old chinese traditions, the new couples will walk to every guests' tables to have "cheers" with them. It is a sign of blessing for the newly wed couple. :D But I was kinda dissapointed to be the last table since our table number is 6 and is in the front row. How could they miss us? :'( nevermind. At least they still cheered in the end. The dinner ends around midnight. We were all worned out.
I got a few shots with our family members and my beloved aunt. But I regret I didn't give her the letter which I wrote ><>
Speaking of worn out. After the dinner, we went back to our resort room. I watched a few episodes of Salad Gloomy Days with the computer provided in the spacey room. Free Wi-Fi and internet services! ^^ I watched until around 2 am then I crawled and snuggled into the bed. Daddy took away my blanket. He slept on the huge, antient-looking carpet because he claimed that his back will be screaming pain if he sleeps on the soft bed like us tonight. There are no blankets provided on the floor, so he took mine. :( Luckily, there are 2 layers of blanket sheet and he just took one. If he took two, I will sleep using the provided huge towels (for bathing). >:-(
As I heading towards dreamland, I rethink some of the scene happen tonight. My makeup technique is horrible!!! ><>
Next morning, we went for a FREE buffet in the resort. I am bloated. No, the whole family were bloated after the gigantic meals.
We saw he new wed couple wearing yellow couple T-shirts. Both look so sweet together.:) congrats~
After the meals, we headed to the next destination, that is Genting Highland
s. It was very cold.
We shouldn't come during the raining season but we always make the same mistakes almost every year.
It feels like we were in a human refrigerator and we were the ice-creams, ready to be frozen "alive".
I hate being in the car for too long. Just like when we were on the way to KL from melaka.
I feel dizzy and feel like vomiting. No appitite to eat. Am I car sick? I only know there were sea sicks. =(
I feel my fashion sense sucks after seeing all those girls in Genting. They are very fashionable and I mean VERY.
But some of them, I felt either they were dumb OR they want to look dumb.
Wearing shorts in a cold place during raining season?? The temperature is like 20 degress I suppose and they can withstand that temperature. Aren't they afraid of getting sick such as flu?
Is it that important to show off your legs? Your legs are not even longer than a golf stick and you wanna show your impertection? You want to show them to who since you came with your boyfriends?? Really, these girls should get warned by their parents. Sigh.
I admire those types of girls which is very casual, simple and natural.
I saw these types of girls before, rare species. Although they are so casual and simple, they actually look very good, nice and pretty.
Girls don't need a lot of makeup to boost their appearance. A light makeup is no problem but too much, the person will look fake.
Makeup. Every girls upon reaching the suitable age will want try to experiment makeup.
Makeup is suppose to make girls more attractive, more beautiful, make your features stand out.
Not changing them. Some of them went a little too far.
The makeup I cannot stand is the fake lashes.
If you are a above 17 girl then it's ok. But what do girls under 17 need fake lashes for? Except if your lashes are gone or something but at this time, you don't need fake lashes. I know fake lashes can make your eyes pop out, look really huge and femine but trust me, I have seen a lot of little girls wearing fake lashes and they they turn out looking fake. It is not the technique problem.
Girls below 17 are still consider as students, teenager. A little mascara is acceptable but fake lashes? It is off the limits. You are still students, why do you need fake lashes? It is up to you girls. I am just laying out my thoughts, no offenses. The choices are still in your palms. =D
Back to Genting, we didn't even get a chance to ride the roller coaster this year. Mommy even bought an indoor ticket for me which I didn't even play a single thing indoor. What a waste of money! Next year, I am telling dad and mom to go somewhere else instead of Genting. I am not bashing Genting's name / "brand". I think we are just bored of it. We go there almost every year. The designs, games are all the same. One word to describe it, Boring.
Although it is boring, it stills hold a lot of my happy childhood memories in it. I will treasure them forever. :) I never realise how happy and joyful am I during my childhood days. I don't even know the word emo or upset is. As we grew older, a lot of things we need to face that makes us blues. Happy is like a rare emotion, that is for me~
We go Genting have buffet again. Twice! Nevermind. I love buffet~
I also felt that me and my cousin relationship also have grow apart. She lives in Singapore and I am in Malaysia. We are more than 1000 miles away from each other. It is not possible if we have not grow apart. =( I still remember we use to be so close before that. Too many problems. Find the reasons why.
Next year we should try a different holiday location to increase our relationship again. =D
My trip ends here. Nothing interesting. Wait! There is something "interesting". During my aunt wedding dinner, got a fat, short guy touch my hip. stupid fatty! Come out and admit yourself!!
I am still in the mood for christmas. :) I love christmas. Last time, I used to believe that there are Santa Claus but as I grew older, I realise this was just a Nicholas legand. I still believe there are santa out there. Anyone who lends a helping hand to other during their lows are santas! :D Hohoho..
I want go form 6 badly. I don't want grow up so fast. :( pray~~~
At the same time, I am scare to face a new life, specially with BOYS.
In my mind, boys are describe as :
1) noisy (sometimes girls can be more noisy I admit =u=)
2) naughty
3) loud
4) fierce
5) selfish (some more selfish than girls)
6) show off (cannot denied)
7) bold (not bald)
8) KPC (like girls, some more KPC than girls)
9) big mouth
10) scary
I hope they are not as I imagin. =D And I just wish there were no GBS boys coming to MHS. I dislike them. oo0oo diuzzz.
My current obsess ----> Totoro!!! :D
My past obsess ---> Bleach D: haha^^
Chinese new year quickly come~ Can get ang pow $$$ :p
Currently, I am a fan of using SHISEIDO skincare product. Made in Japan but it is a New York, Paris and Milano product. I trust these big brands product because my skin is sensitive. I have use hyfro-refining softener hydro-lissante, night essential moisturizer and day essential moisturizer. These products are awesome! :D Before using SHISEIDO, I use Nano. Nano is a Japan brand but it is manufactured in my country, Malaysia. Some of the products are good but some I am kinda sensitive to it.
My room
Like being hit by tsunami. Super messy and unorganised. A pile of junk. Very squeezy, no room for my thoughts.
After (cleaning):
Of course, clean and sparkling. Smells good. Not so messy, organisd. Not so much junk. Spacey. Like the scene after tsunami.
Although my room is neat now, but the living room and the study room is still urghhh!!
Tonight cannot go count down with Anggie and friends T_T I wanna go badly!!!! Haiz! Nevermind! Aiming next year~2011~
Shit. The pink patch on my calf haven't gone. Still praying. Gosh!
YongL is now at his father's cousin (male) wedding dinner with his dear mother. lol. Why everytime must he do everything with his mother. No power or strength to reject also. Leave me here alone writting this blog. Baka.
=D hehe..actually he got msg me but I refuse to reply. Who want bug him when I got my beloved computer with internet now? :D
......When darkness turns to light, it ends tonight...... I am listening to The All American Rejects latest hit, "It ends tonight". I fell in love with their band and the singer's attractive voice. When he sings, the sound waves splash into my ear drums like soothing tone.
Oh, almost forgot to keep my grandmother's clothes from her bathroom since she is at one of my aunt / uncle's house. I love it when my grandma comb my hair ^^
I really lazy want to write the diary YongL gave me~ haha..million apologizes since he specially spend $$$ to buy for me. Sumimasen. Read from here. I find that I can type faster than writing using a pen. I find more usable to use what god give me than a tool create by human beings. ;D
Avril Lavigne!!! Where are you?? What are you doing these days?? I didn't even hear at least one of your latest song. Where's the new album you promised?? You know I am a huge fan of yours =( Please let me know, no, let all your fans know that you are still very much alive to sing! =D I support you Avril!
March...March....SPM results are coming out...I should better dig a hole and hide in it ><>
My cartoons channel all had been cut. My spongebob T.T sob sob. Nevermind. At least I still have "House" with me. :D
Daddy's coming home next monday. sigh. That means boring weekand.
I think now it is time for me to talk about my three days two nights KL & Genting Highland trip. :)
My aunt wedding dinner is so amazing. I can't even find a suitable word to comment!
The night was incandescently beautiful.
The golden lemon light shimmer through the huge crystals.
Red carpets on the floor just like in Hollywood. I step and walk on it.
Does that mean I am famous? :D haha. The food were delicious.
Their services were excellent. If you ask me to give a rating out of 10, I would give a 20. Seriously! Their service were better than other 5 stars restaurant. =)
I am so flattered by the music "band". They play tunes while the guests were busy enjoying dinner and chatting. We were the last table which the new couple give their cheers.
In old chinese traditions, the new couples will walk to every guests' tables to have "cheers" with them. It is a sign of blessing for the newly wed couple. :D But I was kinda dissapointed to be the last table since our table number is 6 and is in the front row. How could they miss us? :'( nevermind. At least they still cheered in the end. The dinner ends around midnight. We were all worned out.
I got a few shots with our family members and my beloved aunt. But I regret I didn't give her the letter which I wrote ><>
Speaking of worn out. After the dinner, we went back to our resort room. I watched a few episodes of Salad Gloomy Days with the computer provided in the spacey room. Free Wi-Fi and internet services! ^^ I watched until around 2 am then I crawled and snuggled into the bed. Daddy took away my blanket. He slept on the huge, antient-looking carpet because he claimed that his back will be screaming pain if he sleeps on the soft bed like us tonight. There are no blankets provided on the floor, so he took mine. :( Luckily, there are 2 layers of blanket sheet and he just took one. If he took two, I will sleep using the provided huge towels (for bathing). >:-(
As I heading towards dreamland, I rethink some of the scene happen tonight. My makeup technique is horrible!!! ><>
Next morning, we went for a FREE buffet in the resort. I am bloated. No, the whole family were bloated after the gigantic meals.
We saw he new wed couple wearing yellow couple T-shirts. Both look so sweet together.:) congrats~
After the meals, we headed to the next destination, that is Genting Highland

We shouldn't come during the raining season but we always make the same mistakes almost every year.
It feels like we were in a human refrigerator and we were the ice-creams, ready to be frozen "alive".
I hate being in the car for too long. Just like when we were on the way to KL from melaka.
I feel dizzy and feel like vomiting. No appitite to eat. Am I car sick? I only know there were sea sicks. =(
I feel my fashion sense sucks after seeing all those girls in Genting. They are very fashionable and I mean VERY.
But some of them, I felt either they were dumb OR they want to look dumb.
Wearing shorts in a cold place during raining season?? The temperature is like 20 degress I suppose and they can withstand that temperature. Aren't they afraid of getting sick such as flu?
Is it that important to show off your legs? Your legs are not even longer than a golf stick and you wanna show your impertection? You want to show them to who since you came with your boyfriends?? Really, these girls should get warned by their parents. Sigh.
I admire those types of girls which is very casual, simple and natural.
I saw these types of girls before, rare species. Although they are so casual and simple, they actually look very good, nice and pretty.
Girls don't need a lot of makeup to boost their appearance. A light makeup is no problem but too much, the person will look fake.
Makeup. Every girls upon reaching the suitable age will want try to experiment makeup.
Makeup is suppose to make girls more attractive, more beautiful, make your features stand out.
Not changing them. Some of them went a little too far.
The makeup I cannot stand is the fake lashes.
If you are a above 17 girl then it's ok. But what do girls under 17 need fake lashes for? Except if your lashes are gone or something but at this time, you don't need fake lashes. I know fake lashes can make your eyes pop out, look really huge and femine but trust me, I have seen a lot of little girls wearing fake lashes and they they turn out looking fake. It is not the technique problem.
Girls below 17 are still consider as students, teenager. A little mascara is acceptable but fake lashes? It is off the limits. You are still students, why do you need fake lashes? It is up to you girls. I am just laying out my thoughts, no offenses. The choices are still in your palms. =D
Back to Genting, we didn't even get a chance to ride the roller coaster this year. Mommy even bought an indoor ticket for me which I didn't even play a single thing indoor. What a waste of money! Next year, I am telling dad and mom to go somewhere else instead of Genting. I am not bashing Genting's name / "brand". I think we are just bored of it. We go there almost every year. The designs, games are all the same. One word to describe it, Boring.
Although it is boring, it stills hold a lot of my happy childhood memories in it. I will treasure them forever. :) I never realise how happy and joyful am I during my childhood days. I don't even know the word emo or upset is. As we grew older, a lot of things we need to face that makes us blues. Happy is like a rare emotion, that is for me~
We go Genting have buffet again. Twice! Nevermind. I love buffet~
I also felt that me and my cousin relationship also have grow apart. She lives in Singapore and I am in Malaysia. We are more than 1000 miles away from each other. It is not possible if we have not grow apart. =( I still remember we use to be so close before that. Too many problems. Find the reasons why.
Next year we should try a different holiday location to increase our relationship again. =D
My trip ends here. Nothing interesting. Wait! There is something "interesting". During my aunt wedding dinner, got a fat, short guy touch my hip. stupid fatty! Come out and admit yourself!!
I am still in the mood for christmas. :) I love christmas. Last time, I used to believe that there are Santa Claus but as I grew older, I realise this was just a Nicholas legand. I still believe there are santa out there. Anyone who lends a helping hand to other during their lows are santas! :D Hohoho..
I want go form 6 badly. I don't want grow up so fast. :( pray~~~
At the same time, I am scare to face a new life, specially with BOYS.
In my mind, boys are describe as :
1) noisy (sometimes girls can be more noisy I admit =u=)
2) naughty
3) loud
4) fierce
5) selfish (some more selfish than girls)
6) show off (cannot denied)
7) bold (not bald)
8) KPC (like girls, some more KPC than girls)
9) big mouth
10) scary
I hope they are not as I imagin. =D And I just wish there were no GBS boys coming to MHS. I dislike them. oo0oo diuzzz.
My current obsess ----> Totoro!!! :D
My past obsess ---> Bleach D: haha^^
Chinese new year quickly come~ Can get ang pow $$$ :p
Currently, I am a fan of using SHISEIDO skincare product. Made in Japan but it is a New York, Paris and Milano product. I trust these big brands product because my skin is sensitive. I have use hyfro-refining softener hydro-lissante, night essential moisturizer and day essential moisturizer. These products are awesome! :D Before using SHISEIDO, I use Nano. Nano is a Japan brand but it is manufactured in my country, Malaysia. Some of the products are good but some I am kinda sensitive to it.
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