Monday, March 7, 2011
The DAY~♥♥♥
The worst part is that nothing I can do to make me not bored. :(
Today watch 2 korean dramas which I'm totally addicted to^^ "Love you a thousand times" & "two wives" ~
I wonder why most of the korean dramas are love stories? ;) wondering..
Last Saturday (5/3/2011), me and bobo went out :D with kien ee (my grandpa, just in case you duno)
It's kinda fun having him hanging around.no offense but next time if we're celebrating our aniversary or anything, DON'T invite any friends better >.<>
I feel bad for bobo and kien ee, because bobo is my hubby, I need spend more 2 people time with him & kien ee, another case, is my friend, not a lightbulb / spotlight.
We watch "127 hours". It's a "pleasant" and "nice" movies, which in actual gross me out.
I know my ambition is becoming a doctor, but this movie gives me the creeps. When the main male cast (there's two male cast in this movie) was stuck in the canyon with his hand being stuck by a fallen piece of rock from outer space, he's force to cut his right hand off. This is not the part which creeps me out. It's the cutting the nerve part. The audience could actually hear and feel the thoughts of the character, simply unacceptable! But overall, the movie was okay.
I hate the part when the lights turn on, and looking to the right was thim seng, the party-spoiler.diuzzzzz! The feeling of seeing him is so urgghhh! Like seeing ederette! @#$@!!#
We went and eat, TWICE. Wong Kwok & Pizza Hut :D
Pizza Hut experience was the best ♥ :D We mostly play and joke at there.
Celebrating Angie's birthday..or was not? Bobo bought her a mm mascara lash expender & me bought her a mm honey lipgloss. RM41.90 + RM 17.90 = RM59.80 I REALLLY HOPE SHE APPRECIATE IT
I've no mood to tell about her now.
Skip to the other part.
SPM is coming...I'm soooo nervous!! I scare I will get 2As! Please don't!!! :'(
Okay, skip to the other part!!!!!
Nowadays, I feel really settle down with bobo :)
I don't feel shaky anymore in our relationship.
The first time I accpet bobo, I feel shaky for our relationship. I scare if he knows my "true colours" (hehehe ;D), he won't love me or accpet me as his mate anymore :( But now, he proves to me that he really loves me and accept me for who I am and what I am now^^
Bobo is the kind of guy I would like to get marry and spend my life with.
To be honest, when I'm dating C.S, I don't feel any stable / settling down in our relationship. We use to fight ALL the time after dating a year. Before that, I think and feel that he was just being patient and tolerate with me, he doesn't even accept me.
I don't mine he's poor, but as long he loves me & have a gold ♥ I would love him more. But compare to Bobo now, I can see he's not suitable for me :) Letting go is a wise choice & decision.
I hope that one DAY, me and bobo can go on a real vacation together ^^ hopefully genting, where we get to spend a FULL/WHOLE day together~♥♥♥♥♥
We made plans for our future already although it's too early =u=" haha..
Each have stable financial and jobs, have car, house~ 28 year old get married & 29 year old have children. Honeymoon in Hongkong disneyland and taiwan :D ^^ woohoo~~~
Haha..I think I watch too much that kind of baby / pregnant movie until it distorted my mind.
Don't want watch le..later early sxx and pregnancy @@" huhu..
Don't want become mummy so early>
We got bright future ahead of us! ♥
I just want to know how's like to actually be pregnant xD hahars..curious man!
BUT NOOOO!! Cannot! >:0
Don't think le!!!!!!!!!!!
Bobo, love you ya! :)
Honestly Darling, You're Truly mine :) ♥
Honestly, are you in love right now?
Honestly, what color is your underwear?
erm...white ><
Honestly, what's on your mind right now?
Honestly, what are you doing right now?
Honestly, what did you do today?
At home watching tv & helping my mom to cook
Honestly, do you think you are attractive?
haha..no, but you make me feel like I'm really actractive^^ love ya! ♥
Honestly, have you done something bad today?
Honestly, do you watch Disney channel?
Of course i do! But it's cut :'(
Honestly, are you jealous of someone right now?
Yes == the couples in korean drama ;)
Honestly, what makes you happy most of the time?
Talking with you on da hp ^u^
Honestly, do you bite your nails?
Yup, when I'm nervous
Honestly, what is your mood right now?
Honestly, who do you want to see at this very moment?
YOU! yes, you ♥ the one who's reading this crap! :D haha
Honestly, do you have a deep dark secret?
Yes, i do.
Honestly, do you hate someone right now?
Honestly, who/what do you want to hug right now?
Honestly, do your wrists hurt?
No, but my neck does sometimes when I sat toooo long
Honestly, are you in denial?
Honestly, wouldn't you rather be having sex right now?
Hahahaha..next question!
Honestly, is it easier to talk on Myspace than in person?
Honestly, does anyone like you?
i don't know????
Thursday, March 3, 2011
There's much more sadness in life
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Spa Body Whitening. SPF30 / PA++
Use continuously for 28 days for natural whitening and softening of body.
Massage on body till absorbed. Apply more for darker areas.
Fragrance: Chanel only (Purple color)
Monday, January 3, 2011
Finally! + ItsamestevenT
Story about teenage social problems these days, such as lesbians, gays, good grades, relationship between teacher and student, underage sex, unwanted pregnancy, bullies, money problems, complicated relationship problems and so on. The list will never ended.
20 episodes.
* I have no copyrights of this video. Keep in mind of that.
Gloomy Salad Days
I found this really amazing guy few years back. =D
He seriously is truly amazing!
You will truly love him, seriously, even if you are a guy. He is just so hilarious. :D I am not even kidding or bluffing.
I will linked him down below.
Go search for some of his "famous" videos more towards comedy. ^^ They are the bomb! I will list some of the funny videos below that you MUST watch.
1. Nasty Girls
2. How to Have a Successful Relationship
3. Chubby Bunny
4. My Evolution of Asians
6. How To Tell If You Are A Stalker (This is the best video of his ever, sadly, Youtube disable the video sound because This video contains an audio track that has not been authorized by WMG. The audio has been disabled.) >:-(
MicKeii + Gloomy Salad Days Opening
Evolution of girls
Sunday, January 2, 2011
End Malaria Campaign & End Starvation Campaign~ Spread your LoVe!!

Help more people gain access to: food, health, and education and clean water is essential for life, over a billion people do not have it.
WFWO's sustainable development projects not only to provide support of the weakest and poorest: jobless mothers, school children, landless farmers and HIV orphans. They also help the hungry to secure food and an income by themselves, so they can break out of the poverty trap and build sustainable future.
Whoever you are and whatever your interests we need you to get involved and help us to make a difference to the world's poorest people. By supporting us, your regular gift could help change the lives of millions of people.There are many other ways in which you can help the WFWO activities, visit our website to find out about:
Monthly Giving
Honorary Someone
How Your Donations are Spent?
Other ways to get involved
Over 40 percent of our income comes from individual supporters like you which funds our vital campaigns - Thank you for your support. If you're not already a supporter of WFWO's activities, you can join us here!
Human Mutations & Animal Mutations & Mother Nature

They should not have killed the baby just for preservation
The mutated babies were innocent and would have either died because of bad development, illness or there would be a 99% chance they wouldn't survive.
It is extremely intresting to see these wonderous mutations.
thankyou science for helping us understand~?
in medical side its interesting, but in humanity side its scary..:(
What about Harlequin babies?
I hope I can see one of those amazing clouds someday without nothing bad happen afterwards. Because some of the weird clouds could be one of a sign that a disaster is arriving, such as earthquake and so on.
Aren't they all super amazing? =D
Beautiful izin't it?
20 Random Questions
My phone
2--Favorite Brand of makeup?
I don't know. I experiment a lot.
3--Favorite Flower ?
4-- Fav clothing store?
I don't know. I shop everywhere. :D
5--Favorite Perfume ?
I don't wear perfume.
6--Heels or flats ?
Flats. More comfortable.
7--Do you make good grades ?
8--Favorite colors ?
Does Rainbow colours count?
9--Do you drink energy drinks ?
10--Do you drink juice ?
Yup. Orange with apple juices.
11--Do you like swimming ?
Last time.
12--Do you eat fries with a fork ?
In home, no. Outside, yes.
13--Favourite Moisturizer?
Simple and Nano.
14--Do you want to get married later on in life ?
15--Do you get mad easily ?
I think so. Yes.
16--Are you into Ghost Hunting ?
Sometimes when I feel like to.
17-- Any phobias?
I am really scare of clowns. Seriously!!!!! Freaking hate them. And those human in animal or character suits that try to be friend children.
18--Do you bite your nails ?
19--Have you ever had a near death experience?
20--Do you drink coffee ?
No. Hate them although they smell really nice and tasty.
Secrets to clear skin
*Skincare should be simple. Not complicated. The best things are always free.* - Bubzbeauty
1) Drink 8 glasses of water per day. It is essential. It cleans the body inside out. Water is the key to hydration.
2) Enough 8 hours of sleep. Skin will automatically regenarate themselves. It will lower stress. It will improve dry skin. Try to sleep on your back.
3) Hygeine. Clean the skin in the morning and night everyday. Wash your hair every night if you can. Bacteria from pillow, hands and hair can transfer to your face.
4) Exercise frequently. In increases blood circulation and lowers the stress.
5) Diet and meals. Eat balance meals.
6) Eat more fruits and vegetables. They are great body cleanser, specially lemons.
7) Go for good oil-free moisterizer.
Anti Racism

sometimes i wish i was the 'right' color :\ ..
being a proud native american isn't enough, and i get judged EVERY time i go to the mall, i get asked if i Need something as soon as i get into a store. every worker askes me this question, when someone sees me wearing casual clothing, the assume i'm probably stoned or drunk. overall ... WE NEED TO BREAK THESE STEREOTYPES ! . because right now, I Hate my color. my brother comitted suicide because of racist teachers.
A Beautiful Story

This story really spoke to people.
Once there was an old granny. She will travelled up the hill to the lake and get some water.
She will carried a pole with her. On each of the pole end, it will hung a bucket to carry home.
While one bucket is in good condition, the other bucket is cracked.
So the bucket which is always in good condition will always carry one full bucket of water home.
While the bucket which is cracked will always carry half a bucket of water home because the water will leaked out of the bucket crack.
For 2 years, the granny will carry a bucket and a half of water home.
The good condition bucket will feel very happy and proud of itself.
The cracked bucket will feel ashamed, unworthy.
The cracked bucket asked granny, "Why don't you just get a new bucket? These passing years, I only been able to deliver half a bucket of water home."
The cracked bucket thought granny is very hardworking, she bravely alone go up the hill everyday to collect water from the lake back home.
So when the granny heard how sad and gloomy the bucket felt, she decided to take both buckets to a place.
It was the path journey to the lake from home.
What she showed them is a beautiful flower path from home to the lake.
And she said to the bucket, "I've always know about your flaw. I've always know about your cracks. So I took advantage of it. And I took some flower seeds and plant them nicely along the path. Because of you, the flowers are able to grow so well. So I can pick them up and put these beautiful flowers in my home. And if it wasn't for you, cracked bucket, I wouldn't have experience such a beautiful journey on the way to collect water and I would not been able to keep these beautiful flowers in my house."
*The moral of the story is..everybody have flaws, it is the flaws that make you unique. The flaws that make you the person you are that love by the people around you. We are all cracked buckets. In god's eyes, nothing goes to waste. Never underestimate yourself. Have faith and Hope in yourself and others. Just like Mud, it may look useless and dirty to some. But to others, its valuable. Once its scooped off the ground, it will become Clay and has every opportunity to turn into a piece of beautiful art work. Nobody in this world is completely useless, so don't underestimate yourself! :D
Great advices Bubz~ Love you~
I heart me
I used to be one the person who always claim to YongL that I am not pretty enough, I am not beautiful.
Yes, I am one of billions or zillions of teenagers who is struggling to deal with self confidence. I am strauggling to accept who I am.

Thanks for making this video and talk about the subject of beauty, self esteem and confidence which obviously, we girls won't be able to learn in school.
You say it breaks your heart to know so many girls loathe themselves. And you understand how it feels to hate yourself. You DO care. You may not be able to speak to us individually but your every word truely moves us because you say them sincerely from your heart.
I will see you as a great sister who will always support me no matter what. You gave great, awesome advices which my own mommy wouldn't probably tell or advice me.
But the only thing you can do these days is to make a video to reach you all.
Yes it is true. We all have the ability to be Beautiful And Ugly. No makeup can conceal this. Since it cannot be hidden.
I would rather be myself.
I love how you express, "The most beautiful things on earth cannot be seen, they can only be felt with the Heart".
Just be myself and be proud. :D
I am hungry!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Totally Overdue Christmas Wish List

Saturday, January 1, 2011
Nothing much...
Me and my mom's relationship has improve, which is a good sign. =) Thumbs up.
Okay, now what should I do?
Tomorow is the official day, whole Malaysia's school reopen day.
It is none of my business as you can tell or I will be here babbling about school day.
I am almost graduated from my middle school.
The official graduate day will lay around middle of March, which is still obviously, haven't arrive.
I am still now a free man. :D
No job.
Someone interested to offer me a nice, suitable job?
If do, contact me through my msn.
thanks. :p
* I am still a student below age 18, so please don't offer me jobs that are unsuitable or out of country or state. You know what I am talking about. I am currently a Malacca person. TQ
Alone at home with my beloved computer.
Wondering what YongL is doing now. He isn't smsing with me. == curious and furious. =D
My mommy, sisters and brother is currently having lunch. I don't want to follow them because I love being home. Later, they will be shopping for emergency school supplies.
I "begged" my sister to help me buy some beauty products and gave her RM40.00.
I hope she will remember. She MUST or I will talk her to bordersome. Muahaha :D
Just pondering on Youtube.
Go, Youtube!
Would you rather?
The questions are pretty cool and meaningfull.
So, I decided to answer each and one of them myself. :D
1.Would you rather go out with messy hair and nice make-up or Nice hair and no make-up?
Well, to be honest, I do both. Sometimes I go out with messy hair and a light makeup on. And most of the time, I go out with nice hair and no make-up on at all. And even messy hair and no make-up. I don't find it horrible though. Looks more natural and pretty. :)
2.Would you rather shave your eyebrows or have your eyelashes fall out?
This is a really tough question. I think I will rather have my eyebrows shave because you can draw eyebrows on easily nowadays. ;) I know you can put on fake eyelashes, but I prefer eyebrows because my fringes and bangs can cover up my eyebrows hence it makes me look no difference. Except when I pin or pull up my hair. *wink* =D
3.Would you rather be forced to shop at only MAC or Sephora for the rest of your life?
Sephora. Because it has more choices. MAC is more on cosmetic line. While Sephora is more like beauty lining, they sell hair brushes, body cream and so on.
4.Would you rather wear lipgloss/lipliner look or 80's perm?
Lipgloss/lipliner. 80's perm will make me look like a freak.
5.Would you rather leave the house with an obvious foundation line or overdone blush?
I would have to say overdone blush. Foundation line is your whole face. Blush is just your cheek.
So, it is more forgiving than having your whole face look horrible and fake.

6.Would you rather wear MC Hammer pants or biker shorts in public?
Biker shorts. I swim often, hence, biker shorts are not a big deal for me.
7.Would you rather have a bad orange-y spray tan or really weird tan lines that can't be covered?
Obviously, I would choose really weird tan lines that can't be covered. Bad orange spray tan is worst because it makes me look really weird. Tan lines are normal. Like when you are swimming, you can get tan easily. So, it is more normal to have weird tan lines than looking orange like a walking carrot.
8.Would you rather have a bad haircut or bad hair color?
Bad hair color. I can re-dye again. Plus, you can wash the hair colour out. Bad haircut? No way.
9.Would you rather have youtube or twitter taken away forever?
Twitter. I don't twit.
10. Would you rather give up using makeup brushes or mascara?
Makeup brushes. I don't use them. Mostly, I use sponges.
My Perfect Imperfections?

The 4 imperfections will be overcovered by my so called "perfections". That makes me. =D
The first thing I don't like about myself.
I don't like my skin.
Okay, some of my friends often comment that I have good, "flawless" skin. It looks good on camera.
And I admit I don't break out that often. (means I don't often get pimples easily)
I don't know. I had the worst bad skin last year, my senior year.
Because of some skin care product, I don't even want to mention the brand name. It makes my skin awfully dry. Hence, my skin looks scaly like snake skin, plus had invisible break outs, sort of like pimples which is only visible under sunlight. The "invisible" pimples only reveals themselves under sunlight on my whole cheeks, which makes me look totally horrible.
My skin is just weird now. It sometimes have redness and descolouration.
It bother me sometimes. Plus, I always dreamt of having really fair healthy skin, my skin are like asian yellowish white.
The second thing I don't like about myself.
I don't like my finger nails.
They are short! SHORT. Really short. Shorter than other normal human nails.
I gets really jealous of girls which have perfect, beautiful long nails which totally matches with their long, "slim" fingers.
Mine are just...urggghhh!
I have to admit that I have long, "slim" fingers. But my nails totally distroy their "presentation".
So, there, my second dislike.
Okay, the third thing I don't like about myself.
It is my lips.
My lips is really super super pigmanted and dry.
Like when I am eating something spicy. Sometimes, when they say spicy, is just a little spicy or NOT spicy at all. But I think my lips are super sensitive or something. The colour of my lips will turn from normal nudy colour to sort of reddish pink. And my friends or other people will go like, "Hey, are you wearing lip gloss or lip stick? Nice touch of colour." And I will be like, "Uhh...No." =="
It just sometimes pisses me off. Because I find my lower part of lips sort of thicker than the upper lining of lips. It makes it unbalance you know.
The forth thing I don't like about myself.
It is my size, my body size.
I am a really "lucky" person, because I don't grow fat.
I know a lot of girls think it is a good deal but for me, I don't agree.
I cannot affort to go on a diet, because I will be thin.
Hence, to maintain in good shape and pink health. Eating more than 3 main meals a day is a must.
Some of the girls may think, "Hey, you are lucky. You can eat whatever you want without looking fat."
But, it is hard for me to grow fat, seriously. I want to be fat, not fat, I want to be fit.
And that's all I need.
I love my eyes. Sometimes I get compliment and people saying I have pretty eyes.
I love my hair. I guess because it can be tamed easily.
I love my legs. Although they are not really long but they are skinny? So, I can wear shorts nicely.
I love my ears. I don't know, I just think the shapes are pretty. Hehe =)