I agree with Bubzbeauty 100%.

Racism is a disgusting habit.Whatever skin colour you have, we all bleed red.
We are what makes the World.
Be proud of who you are and respect others.
No matter what, people are set in life to judge you.
What is important is knowing how to deal with judgement.
The secret to stay so positive all the time is just learning to see things in a different light.
Realising what is important to life. Who are we trying to please.
Figuring who are the ones that care for you. How blessed you really are.
OneOfAKindFreak says...
sometimes i wish i was the 'right' color :\ ..
being a proud native american isn't enough, and i get judged EVERY time i go to the mall, i get asked if i Need something as soon as i get into a store. every worker askes me this question, when someone sees me wearing casual clothing, the assume i'm probably stoned or drunk. overall ... WE NEED TO BREAK THESE STEREOTYPES ! . because right now, I Hate my color. my brother comitted suicide because of racist teachers.
As I read the comments OneOfAKindFreak says, I feel really, really sad. Not just me feeling really sad, I think the whole world is feeling really sad. We are not robots. We have feelings. Why should we hurt other races by treating them unfairly? It's just so sick.
In my country, we have racist also. Last year, when me and my sister by pass a school. I don't want to mention names. But I have to admit that it is a popular school which everybody wants to go. I saw the ugliest scene. An innocent indian female student walking in front of a group of chinese school girls. I think all of them are kinda like the same age. But the whole group of chinese girls are talking about the indians behind her back. I know the girls are not matture and maybe they didn't know how serious this is. About RESPECT and being MODEST.
I am a Chinese. But I cannot stand when racism problems happen.
I know that in some country, the "white" bullies the "black" and chinese.
The problems is like a cycle, it will continue to go round and round, endless.
So we have to keep forgiving. When this will end?
What is the right colour?? There is no right colour in this world. What causes the colour of our skin?
It is pigmant and DNA. We CANNOT change that. We LIVE with it.
Why should we care about our skin colours??
Skin colours does not determine a person's character, personality, morals and values.
Is your own soul and mind who determines who we are.
Who really has the REAL power to divide people into classes??
Some people might disagree. But it is up to you. I am just giving out my opinion. No offenses. =)
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