First day of a new year and I am feeling a hell blue.
Today I fought with mommy with a small thing.
I admitted I am wrong for fighting such a small thing but she boldly won't admit. Everytime also like this.
Actually, both sides had done wrong, so why is it so hard to just nod and admit?
Does it make her status lower?
Does it make the world turn upside down?
Does it make me unimportant?
I don't know.
I really don't like fights at all, but I keep get into it. It reminds me of last time me and my bestbuddy, anggie's bff fights.
In the end, we fought for nothing. But at least we make up in the end. :D
If I fought with mommy, I won't speak to her and won't have any meals with her on the same dinning table. I will just be in my own world, sulking and feeling grumpy.
Writing these down makes me feel a lot much better. =)
Why did I open a facebook account in the first place?
I mean, there is nobody I can really talk to. All the people I can really talk to are all in my phone list.
Seriously, I feel like wanna shut down and quit facebooking.
It is just another typical gloomy, dim Saturday.
Both of my little sisters and brother are going to school next Monday.
That means, I can have the "whole" house myself. :-) * Doesn't include mommy~
The house will be extremely quiet, until around 12.30pm. At that time, my little brother came back from kindergarten.
Stupid, I shouldn't have wrote this down because someone might stalk and kidnapp me when my parent is not around.
But, they didn't have my address. Does that mean I am safe? Shit.
I feel really, really bored.
YongL is out shopping with his family at the new Jaya Jusco. He is shopping for his closet.
My point of view, his fashion sense is average.
I really suggest he should change his style from bottom to top, completely. =D hehe..joking~
I am really starting to miss school days. At least I am not bored like now.
But if I am in school, I will be miserable because I dislike school.
Now I am stuck in the middle of a jumble of confuse emotions. ;D
Bibu bibu? <--- What YongL msg means? Ambulans? Police cars? Fire trucks? Horn??
He is "crazy"~:D hahaha..
Now, I am searching Google for Japan. I wanna know what is happening there, plus Taiwan.
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